Joel Osteen - The God of Another Chance

Joel Osteen

It's easy to live in regrets and think our life is limited because of past choices. The good news is: God has taken into account every mistake you would ever make. That should stop your destiny, it should keep us from our purpose, but we serve...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 4

Joseph Prince

When Jesus died on a cross, his death, it met every attribute of God, justice, amen, God's righteousness, unbending righteousness, all that when Jesus died on cross. He shed his blood. He fully met all the requirements of a holy God of...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Jesus Christ at the cross became of guilt offering and for our sakes, on our behalf, he restored to God 120% of the reverence, 120% of worship and obedience that we could never render to God, and God's sets it to your account, hallelujah. Jesus...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 2

Joseph Prince

As far as God is concerned, one of mankind has made it to the Holy of Holies. One of the human race has conquered Satan. Not as God, but as a man. For generations across the millennia, death came marching for every man, until the day came that a man...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Power is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm so excited to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ again and again because, you know what? We're still discovering the magnitude of what the Father has in his heart when he gave us this...

#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Highlights

Joseph Prince

We look to the cross and every time we fail, whether in thought, word, or deed, amen, look to the cross and say, "Lord, I thank you that you bore this guilt, amen. You bore the judgment of it, you bore the guilt of it". "Jesus cannot...

Jack Hibbs - If I Had One More Chance

Jack Hibbs

We’re looking at the first two verses of chapter six. It’s where Paul cites part of the 49th Psalm in order to demonstrate that “now is the day of salvation.” It’s something we’ve all failed to communicate at one time or another. But, of course, we...

Joel Osteen - Reverse The Order

Joel Osteen

Jesus said in Matthew 20:16, "The last shall be first". God knows how to reverse the order. He loves to promote people who are not next in line, to take those who are overlooked, discounted and push them into their destiny. One shift, one...

TD Jakes - A Second Chance at a Blessing

TD Jakes

We need a do-over. When we make massive decisions, we must be ready for unintended consequences, and sometimes those around us can still be angry at us. But God sees our guilt and gives us a second chance to make it right. He did it when He sent...

Tim Dilena - For All Who Fall

Tim Dilena

Tim Dilena, pastor of Times Square Church preach on topic "For All Who Fall"...

Craig Groeschel - I Deserve To Be Counted Out

Craig Groeschel

God is all about second chances. Ready to learn from mistakes and accept God’s encouragement to draw closer to Him after you’ve blown it? Like Peter, you get to be renewed by the grace of Jesus. Join Pastor Craig Groeschel for Week 4 of I Deserve It....

Billy Graham - Starting Life Over Again

Billy Graham

Do you really know Christ as your Lord? Take a deeper look at your spiritual walk by listening to Billy Graham's 1994 message from Cleveland, Ohio....