Steven Furtick - Seeking Significance And Security

Steven Furtick

Know where your worth comes from. In “Seeking Significance And Security,” Pastor Steven Furtick reminds us that God's chosen us — and He didn't make a mistake....

#654 - Joseph Prince - Greater Shalom And Security - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Whether you're drinking, or you are smoking, if you want deliverance, start confessing, "I am the righteousness of God in Christ", and see those things fall off like dead leaves off a tree. See Jesus on that cross and declare,...

#654 - Joseph Prince - Greater Shalom And Security - Part 2

Joseph Prince

God is looking forward with rest in his heart based on all that Jesus has done, to justify you, to heal you, to provide for you, to be good to you. God sees clearly what Jesus did at the cross, and God smells a sweet aroma every time you come near,...

#654 - Joseph Prince - Greater Shalom And Security - Part 1

Joseph Prince

For God to create the worlds, he only had to speak, but for him to forgive us, he had to bleed, amen. Jesus came and died for our sins on the cross. That's the price of our forgiveness. To the extent you see Jesus, amen, to that extent you are...

#654 - Joseph Prince - Greater Shalom And Security - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Before we are able to receive healing, we must know that we are the righteousness of God in Christ. This is something that is revelatory, something that, you know, even the order of it, righteousness produces healing....

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Now listen, God says believe all the way. Believe grace all the way. Believe the good news all the way. Believe you are saved forever all the way. Believe you are forgiven completely, past, present, and future, hallelujah. Believe you are righteous...

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Part 2

Joseph Prince

God is your Father; God is not God far away. God is your Father, amen? You're not a sinner anymore. You are righteous in God's eyes....

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Part 1

Joseph Prince

The law condemns the best of us. Grace saves the worst of us. Amen. 1 Corinthians 15 is true. The strength of sin is the law. If that is true, the opposite is true: the strength of holiness is grace. God can't wait to bless you. God can't...

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Highlights

Joseph Prince

If all my blessing depends on his grace, not my goodness, guess what? I am blessed, man. If my healing depends on his grace and not my goodness, guess what? I'm healed. So, God wants to bring us to a place where everything depends on him and we...

Robert Jeffress - The Day The Dow Jones Hits Zero

Robert Jeffress

Are your affections built around the eternal or the temporal? Here’s a good question to ask: How would you feel if everything you owned suddenly disappeared and all you possessed were the clothes on your back and you had no job or savings to...

Benny Hinn - Our Hiding Place is in God

Benny Hinn

On this week's programs you've seen highlights from Pastor Benny Hinn's services in Europe which touched thousands of lives and resulted in great miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance. Today you'll join Pastor Benny in...

Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About Eternal Security

Charles Stanley

At the cross, Jesus not only triumphed over the kingdom of darkness and bought our salvation with His blood, He also gave everyone who would believe in Him a precious gift: eternal security. Once we surrender to Jesus, we don’t have to live with...