TD Jakes - Showing Comfort and Mercy Towards Others

TD Jakes

Bishop T.D. Jakes teach on Showing Comfort and Mercy Towards Others - excerpt from A Three Dimensional View, based on 2 Corinthians 1:1-10...

Robert Jeffress - Developing a Servant's Heart

Robert Jeffress

If you were going to use one word to describe Jesus, what would it be? Today we are going to discover Jesus’ favorite description of Himself which reflects the attitude He desires in all who choose to be His disciples....

Joyce Meyer - Becoming a Servant - Part 3

Joyce Meyer

Becoming great in God's Kingdom begins with taking small steps of obedience. Today, Joyce shares stories and scriptures to help you observe His Word....

Joel Osteen - Serve Your Way Up

Joel Osteen

In this message, Joel Osteen encourages us that the path to our purpose is found through serving, not through self-promotion. In the Bible, we read that David, who eventually became King of Israel, started in the shepherd’s fields serving his...

Max Lucado - Serve One Another

Max Lucado

Watch sermon Serve One Another, preached by Max Lucado, Pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. #100 Happy People...

Kenneth Copeland - Let the Goodness of God Flow Through You

Kenneth Copeland

The goodness of God is yours to share! Watch Believer's Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how to let God's goodness flow through you to the lives of others. Learn how ministering healing to others is ministering the gospel...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Ministry

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn that it is possible for regular Christians to have the mind of Christ and live as servants of others. When the Bible says that Christians should “be like Christ,” someone always says, “Impossible!” True, He was the sinless...

Charles Stanley - Service

Charles Stanley

Dr. Stanley reminds us that God has a plan and a will for our lives. That’s why He has deliberately given us talents, abilities, and skills to help make each of us the person He wants us to be and accomplish the things He wants us to accomplish. We...

Andy Stanley - Better Done Than Said

Andy Stanley

To the apostle John, following Jesus and being compassionate were practically synonymous. This is particularly true when it comes to our money and other resources. As Christians, we look for ways to do for others what in that moment they can't...

Joyce Meyer - The Power of Serving Others

Joyce Meyer

Together, we can share God's love in greater ways! Joyce and a few of our partners share candidly about the power of reaching others in need....

Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2020

Andy Stanley

The right questions are not Why did this happen? or Whose fault was that? We usually know those answers. The better question: How can we help?...