Steven Furtick - Reverse the Search

Steven Furtick

On the day He defeated death, Jesus took a walk with two previously unknown travelers headed in the wrong direction. The itinerary may seem unusual, but Pastor Steven reveals that what we see as a lack of God's presence may actually be a lack...

Steven Furtick - No More Nails

Steven Furtick

When Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross to extend mercy, He never intended for us to keep it to ourselves. Discover the freedom found in forgiveness and the greater story your scars can tell....

Steven Furtick - It's In the Middle

Steven Furtick

The decision to follow Christ can be made in a moment and will secure your place in Heaven for eternity, but what about the middle? Learn how to see the purpose in the process and discover God's grace in the gap....

Steven Furtick - Complete the Cross

Steven Furtick

The greatest pain and greatest pleasure of your life will be experienced in the context of relationship. So, what’s the secret to successful ones? Discover how the cross makes it possible for us to not only have a loving relationship with God, but...