Today we conclude our series in Proverbs by examining the most foundational secret for extraordinary success in life which is, “the fear of the Lord.” What does the fear of the Lord involve?...
How do you handle criticism, especially when it comes from your enemies? Your answer to that question will go a long way in determining how successful you will be in life....
Words spoken to us can harm us. But the words we speak to others also have an unlimited power to destroy us, as well as others. Today we are going to look at four types of speech Solomon says we should avoid if we are going to experience true...
Humility is a quality that is in short supply these days but, according to Solomon, is indispensable for those who want to experience extraordinary success in life....
Last week we began looking at Solomon’s secret for financial success by discovering the benefits of financial margin. We discovered that financial margin: Offers Freedom. Provides Security for Future Needs. Allows Us to Experience the Joy of...
The Book of Proverbs teaches that the secret for achieving financial security has nothing to do with earning, winning, or inheriting money. Instead, the way to wealth is through spending....
Aim at nothing… and you will hit it every time. Today we are going to discover what Solomon says about the importance of discovering your purpose in life....
Man’s wisdom says our impact on the world ends when we die. But God’s wisdom says our influence on the world continues after we die through our children and grandchildren....
Thomas Edison once observed, “Many of life’s failures were people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Edison was simply echoing the first “Solomon Secret” for success we are going to discover today....
Today we begin a new series in Proverbs titled, “The Solomon Secrets: 10 Keys to Extraordinary Success.” Does following God’s principles for living guarantee success in life? The answer to that question may surprise you....