Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You? - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Are you generous with the resources God has given you? Today, Joyce Meyer discusses the benefits of saving, spending and giving of your resources....

Rick Renner - Be a Good Steward

Rick Renner

Don’t compare yourself with others or try to compete with the calling on their lives. Know who God called you to be and what He has graced you to do, and do it to the best of your ability. Tune in to Home Group for more on this important subject!...

Bill Johnson - Stewards Of The Divine

Bill Johnson

Do you face the questions Jesus asks? Bill Johnson shares a timely reminder that we are stewards of the divine to know God's ways. We've been invited not just to know the acts of God, but the person Jesus. This message brings fresh...

Robert Morris - Good Stewards

Robert Morris

When we understand how stewardship works, something supernatural happens. As we generously bless others, God miraculously blesses us. The purpose of good stewardship is to wisely oversee what God has given us. When we do so, God moves supernaturally...

Robert Morris - The Power of Stewardship

Robert Morris

The Power of Stewardship: Robert Morris' message from series The Power of We...