Bill Johnson - The Supernatural Power Of Thanksgiving

Bill Johnson

Hopelessness and thanksgiving are at odds. Any time our hope wanes in favor of our doubts, we lose momentum on our journey to fullness of life. Thanksgiving, on the other hand, pulls us toward our destiny. When we quiet ourselves in the mysteries we...

Bill Johnson - The Process Of Sustaining A Breakthrough Lifestyle

Bill Johnson

We know the joy of the Lord is our strength. But how do we get there when nothing inside us or around us matches up with our definition of joy? Sometimes, God beckons us to own and even celebrate our pain, knowing that although He didn't author...

Bill Johnson - The Importance Of Controlling Your Environment

Bill Johnson

As our seasons ebb and flow, so will our needs. There is wisdom in recognizing fragile seasons, times when we may need to narrow our focus in order to gather our strength. During trials in particular, it's beneficial to set our eyes on one...

Bill Johnson - Preparing For Your Promotion

Bill Johnson

Even anointed kings encounter their fair share of darkness. In week 1, Pastor Bill explores the life of King David, who, at the brink of total collapse, found the key to promotion when he resolved to strengthen himself in the Lord. Just as...

Bill Johnson - Praying With Authority, Identity, And Intimacy

Bill Johnson

Hebrews 6:12 says we inherit God's promises by faith - to move toward God in faith is an aggressive move in the battle for breakthrough. What better way to act out on our faith and take hold of the promises of God than prayer? As we pray in the...