Kenneth Copeland - Get Rid of the Care and Be Healed

Kenneth Copeland

Jesus is your Care Taker! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland urges you to get rid of the care and be healed. Learn how to stop worry in its tracks by thinking and praying God’s thoughts instead....

Charles Stanley - When We Feel Frustrated

Charles Stanley

There is a high cost to pay to live in constant frustration: broken relationships, unsatisfying jobs, or maybe even bad health. Dr. Stanley shows how the real source of irritation comes from within. God is ready to help you identify and deal with it...

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 4

Joyce Meyer

Is stress a normal thing for you? Today, Joyce Meyer discusses the importance of peace and shares ways to manage stress when life is busy....

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 3

Joyce Meyer

God loves you and it's not His intention for His children to live stressful, overwhelmed lives. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares biblical principles to help you live a more peaceful life....

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Are you constantly dealing with stress? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses various things that cause stress and ways to deal with them....

Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Stress - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

Do you ever complain about all you have to do? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer teaches how to trade the stress of daily life for God's perfect peace....

Steven Furtick - God's Working, Stop Stressing

Steven Furtick

Your fear is no match for your faith. This is an excerpt from "A Troubled Mind And An Open Door."...

#536 - Joseph Prince - Give Jesus Your Cares And Live Stress-Free (Live at Lakewood Church) - Part 2

Joseph Prince

We have this idea: when you pray, then God starts supplying. But in Galatians chapter 3 it says God is constantly supplying the Spirit. The Greek there is present tense, constantly supplying you the Spirit. Even right now, hey, you're not...

#536 - Joseph Prince - Give Jesus Your Cares And Live Stress-Free (Live at Lakewood Church) - Part 1

Joseph Prince

The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Notice, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Now, the law is given by God. But notice, truth is on the side of grace. It is the truth that sets us free, the truth of grace. The...

Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares

Kenneth Copeland

Don’t worry, be happy! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Kellie Copeland share how to be set free from worry and cares for good. Find out the freedom you have in Christ Jesus, and begin living your best, carefree life today!...