Touré Roberts - The Struggle Before Dawn

Touré Roberts

Message : The Struggle Before Dawn Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to talk to some real people. Everybody has a breaking point; everybody’s got a breaking point. I trust you, I trust you, I trust you, I trust you. Oh, where are...

Steven Furtick - I'm Blessed, But Why Am I Still Struggling?

Steven Furtick

Struggling while blessed doesn't mean you've failed. Show up anyway. Praise anyway. God will finish what He started in you. This is an excerpt from "The Blessing Of Letting Go"...

Steven Furtick - Been Here Before

Steven Furtick

Don’t surrender in the middle of the struggle. In “Been Here Before,” Pastor Steven Furtick encourages us to hold fast to hope because God is with us in whatever we’re facing — and that’s a promise we can count on....

Craig Groeschel - Rest

Craig Groeschel

Do the constant app notifications leave you feeling scattered and weary? There is a special rest for the people of God. Find out the benefits of a social media break in Week 5 of Struggles with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Craig Groeschel - Compassion

Craig Groeschel

Obsession with ourselves and overexposure to suffering are threatening to desensitize us to others. True compassion has a very real cost, but it changes lives. Learn more about empathy in Week 4 of Struggles with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Craig Groeschel - Authenticity

Craig Groeschel

Are you afraid of being seen “unfiltered”? Technology is threatening to take away our authenticity, but God’s spirit can bring us back to freedom with God and each other. Watch Week 3 of Struggles with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Craig Groeschel - Relationships

Craig Groeschel

“I have so many friends online—why am I still lonely?” To have real relationships, you have to be present and engaged. Watch Week 2 of Struggles with Pastor Craig Groeschel to see how to have—and be—a genuine friend....

#281 - Joseph Prince - Jesus, The End Of Your Struggles - Highlights

Joseph Prince

To the man blind from birth, Jesus, the light of the world, brought sight. To a hungry crowd of more than 5,000, Jesus, the bread of life, supplied more food than they could eat. To Martha whose brother, Lazarus, was dead, Jesus showed Himself as...

Craig Groeschel - Contentment

Craig Groeschel

Finding contentment can be a struggle, especially when we compare ourselves to others or lack gratitude. Check out Week 1 of Struggles with Pastor Craig Groeschel to find out how to gain a heart of contentment....

Rick Warren - The Struggle Behind Every Dream

Rick Warren

A lot of people have dreams for their future, but they never do anything about their dreams. Why is that? In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our spiritual growth campaign, Time to Dream, by talking about “the struggle” — four phases God...

Rick Warren - When Life Makes No Sense, Struggle

Rick Warren

Life is full of struggles because sin has broken everything in the world. We struggle with people, ourselves and with God. Join Pastor Rick’s third installment in the series “How to Get Through What You’re Going Through,” to learn how to lament in a...

Joyce Meyer - End the Struggle of Self-Effort - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Are you struggling to believe God will come through for you? Today, Joyce Meyer shares truths to help you trust God without wavering...