Steven Furtick - List Your Victories

Steven Furtick

Stop, pause, and feel grateful for it. In “List Your Victories,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us how to reflect back on the victories God has given us to help fuel our faith for what's to come....

Bill Johnson - Thanksgiving, The Weapon

Bill Johnson

Thankfulness is a key biblical practice outlined throughout both the Old and New Testament and modeled clearly in the life of Jesus. In this sermon, Bill Johnson reminds us how our posture of thankfulness is an expression of trust and surrender,...

Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Give God Praise

Kenneth Copeland

Be thankful and give God praise! Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they explain how praise and worship bring God’s glory. Find out how to host the Holy Spirit through the power of your praise!...

Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful All the Time

Kenneth Copeland

God inhabits your praise! Watch Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they encourage you to be thankful all the time. Discover the tie between praise and thanksgiving, as you develop a heart that richly...

Joel Osteen - Thanking God Before You See The Promise

Joel Osteen

Jesus said in Mark 11:24, "When you pray, believe that you receive when you pray". Not when it shows up, but when you pray, believe that it happened. Believe that God is so faithful, that he set the miracle into motion, that in the unseen...

Joyce Meyer - A Thankful Attitude

Joyce Meyer

Today on Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, unlock the life-changing benefits of cultivating a thankful, grateful attitude with these powerful insights that will transform your life and how you see the world around you....

Joel Osteen - Build Your Altar

Joel Osteen

You can build an altar wherever you are: your car can become an altar, your office can be an altar, walking out in the park can become an altar. At the places that remind you who God is, when he does things that only he can do, don't just think...

Bill Johnson - The Sanctifying Power of a Thankful Heart

Bill Johnson

Having a thankful heart does more than keep our hearts and minds healthy; being thankful actually sanctifies the very things we are thanking God for. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on the power of being thankful, and how our relationships...

Bill Johnson - Should I Be Thankful for ALL Things?

Bill Johnson

What does it mean to be thankful in all things? Does it mean that we should be thankful for everything we face? Bill Johnson shares from Scripture how choosing thankfulness in every situation positions us for growth and breakthrough. Being more...

Jack Hibbs - Take Time To Be Thankful

Jack Hibbs

Since the first pilgrim Thanksgiving and all those that have followed, this was and is a day to give thanks to God, for He has truly blessed this country even though now we’ve almost stopped blessing Him. As we go to the table this Thanksgiving, let...

Jack Hibbs - Say Thank You

Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs preach a thanksgiving message entitled "Say Thank You". Enjoy this message from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills....

Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart

Creflo Dollar

Thanksgiving is the antidote to the soul sickness. Whatever the circumstances around you, cultivate thanksgiving within you. It's God's will for your life and it's good for your soul. What's good for you is thanksgiving....