Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Negative Emotions With Thanksgiving

Creflo Dollar

Certain things would have happened, but the goodness of the Lord didn't let it happen. Certain things would have never opened up for you, but it opened up for you because of the goodness of the Lord. So praise him, praise him and give thanks to...

Kenneth Copeland - Cultivate a Life of Faith, Thanksgiving and Love

Kenneth Copeland

Be thankful and stay in love! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to cultivate a life of faith, thanksgiving and love. Walk in God’s continuous BLESSINGS as you learn to keep in step with Love!...

Kenneth Copeland - A Covenant of Thanksgiving

Kenneth Copeland

Happy Thanksgiving! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens discuss America’s very first Thanksgiving. Be comforted by the fact that—no matter what is happening in the world—we have a Covenant with Almighty...

Joel Osteen - Thanking God Before You See The Promise

Joel Osteen

Jesus said in Mark 11:24, "When you pray, believe that you receive when you pray". Not when it shows up, but when you pray, believe that it happened. Believe that God is so faithful, that he set the miracle into motion, that in the unseen...

Jerry Savelle - The Power of Thanksgiving and Praise - Part 4

Jerry Savelle

Join Jerry and Jerriann Savelle as they teach how to walk in a continuous attitude of gratitude....

Jerry Savelle - The Power of Thanksgiving and Praise - Part 3

Jerry Savelle

Join Jerry Savelle & his daughter Jerriann Savelle as they teach on the importance of giving God thanksgiving and praise for every blessing in our lives, no matter how big or small, and how to walk in a continuous attitude of gratitude....

Jerry Savelle - The Power of Thanksgiving and Praise - Part 2

Jerry Savelle

David’s thankfulness and praise put him in position to receive an outpouring of God’s favor and blessings in his life....

Jerry Savelle - The Power of Thanksgiving and Praise - Part 1

Jerry Savelle

In Psalm chapter 86 David is reflecting on the mercy, compassion, comfort and strength that the Lord had blessed him with and he says to God, “I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore.”...

Jack Hibbs - Say Thank You

Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs preach a thanksgiving message entitled "Say Thank You". Enjoy this message from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills....

Rick Renner - Prayer of Thanksgiving and Agreement

Rick Renner

Do you know what the prayer of thanksgiving and prayer of agreement are and how to use them? That is Rick Renner’s subject in today’s program....

Jack Hibbs - A Message of Thanksgiving

Jack Hibbs

"A Psalm of Thanksgiving. Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and...

Charles Stanley - The Reach of Our Thanksgiving

Charles Stanley

Many people find it easy to be thankful when things are going well but quite another thing to give thanks when the world seems to be falling apart. Dr. Stanley states that the key to maintaining gratefulness in every situation is to know that God is...