Learn to enjoy where you are while you are going towards your destination, your goal and all that. That to God is success. And if you live like that, you will see your goals come to pass, you will see that destination because you're already on...
To be at the right place at the right time you need God's grace. God's unearned, undeserved favor. He gave up his Son for you because he love you, and then his Son loves you....
There are bad things happening to the world, darkness is coming upon this earth, but let's believe God. Nothing surrounding you, nothing you eat and drink, nothing from up there coming down will hurt you....
The best thing you can give your children is Jesus, amen? I mean, think about it. You give them three hot meals a day, all right, you bathe them, you clothe them. But most importantly, what they need is Jesus....
I can't understand people who tell you, "Don't pray for success," and all that, because you know why? You don't pray for success, then who do you look to for success? Yourself or somebody else or some New Age teaching....
The Bible says don't be eye service as man pleases, but work as unto the Lord. Do everything with excellence. Go the extra mile, not only when they're looking at you, do it as unto the Lord, knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the...
It's the Holy Spirit in you that brings you the right timing, right place. There's no such thing as coincidences with God. It's all a "God-incidence". And once you put your trust in Christ, he dwells in you, and greater is...
Every time you say Father, instead of saying Father, like, so far away, just say Father. Know that you're very close. Now watch what you say because everything you say, he's hearing, and he will answer, amen?...