Steven Furtick - Your Thoughts Are Hurting You

Steven Furtick

In “Your Thoughts Are Hurting You,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us how to trust God's promise and be content with the process He's given us to get there. This is an excerpt from "Not Dead Yet."...

Steven Furtick - How Your Thoughts Are Blocking God

Steven Furtick

In “How Your Thoughts Are Blocking God,” Pastor Steven Furtick and Brendan Burchard remind us that each small step we take in faith can create opportunities for God to open new doors in our lives. This clip is from session 3 of the “Do The New You...

Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts

Craig Groeschel

What’s weighing on you right now? With so much happening in the world and our lives, having a peaceful mind can feel impossible. While Jesus doesn’t promise a trouble-free life, He does promise you a path to peace....

Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts

Craig Groeschel

Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Maybe you wanted to make a change in your life but just couldn’t stick to it. In this message, we’re getting to the bottom of why we do the things we do and learning how to overcome negative thoughts....

Joel Osteen - A Sound Mind

Joel Osteen

A sound mind is a positive mind, a hopeful mind. It's a mind that's at peace, a mind that knows that God's in control, that he's ordering your steps. A sound mind is not focused on the problems, it's focused on the promises....

Jack Hibbs - Where The Mind Goes, The Body Follows

Jack Hibbs

We are so constantly bombarded with hidden messages and ideas that we may not realize when our minds are under attack. But know this: everything you see and hear is landing on the porch of your soul. It’s up to you, however, to decide to let it in....

Steven Furtick - Breaking Negative Thought Patterns

Steven Furtick

Are you a disciple by default or design? This is an excerpt from "When The Gift Becomes A Prison.”...

Craig Groeschel - Silence Your Negative Thoughts

Craig Groeschel

Sometimes it can be difficult to find hope in everyday situations. Maybe you or someone you know struggles with negative thoughts, and it feels like every day is a bad day. In this message, we’re learning how to fight against negativity and find the...

Jerry Savelle - You Are What You Think

Jerry Savelle

Did you know that the way you think determines who you are and the life you live? Join Jerry Savelle and his daughters, Jerriann and Terri, as they discuss this important issue from Jerriann's new book "Happy to Be Me."...

Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Do you believe what the Word of God says about you? Today, Joyce Meyer shares the rewards that are gained when we renew our thoughts and the way we talk....