Jeff Schreve - The Truth About The Troubles and Tragedies of Life

Jeff Schreve

No one is immune to troubles in this life. Job was an amazing man of God, who, from a human perspective, didn't deserve to suffer. Yet he suffered greatly. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? In this message, Pastor Jeff...

Rick Renner - The Power of the Gospel in Tragedy

Rick Renner

You’re a hero to the suffering — and in the eyes of God — when you undo yokes and ease burdens through physical and spiritual care....

Jeff Schreve - Trials and Tragedies

Jeff Schreve

Trials and tragedies are an inescapable part of life. They often come without warning and can leave us questioning God’s plan. In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares how God uses our darkest times to teach us the deepest lessons....

Jeff Schreve - How to Sing in the Rain

Jeff Schreve

When we experience great trauma in life, it’s easy to feel as if God has forgotten us. We lose our joy and our song. What do we do when terrible troubles steal our song? In this hopeful message from Pastor Jeff Schreve, discover how you can take...

Jeff Schreve - From Tragedy to Triumph

Jeff Schreve

When walking through the darkest valleys, believers can always have hope because of this key truth: God is for us and He is not against us! The God of the universe is working for the good of His children who trust in Him no matter what circumstances...