#264 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Grace For Every Trial - Part 1

Joseph Prince

With every fresh trouble, there is fresh grace. With every fresh need, there is fresh grace. With every fresh challenge, there is fresh grace. And the grace is greater than your trouble, greater than your need, greater than your sin. Every challenge...

#264 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Grace For Every Trial - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Peace in Hebrew is shalom. Shalom is not just peace of mind. It is also health in your body, wellness in your body, wellness in your relationships. Are you listening, people? So when you say, "Shalom," it means what? Everything about you,...

Kenneth Copeland - Choosing Faith in Trials

Kenneth Copeland

Test and trials will come, but you can choose the outcome! Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of choosing faith in trials through life-filled words, faith in the goodness of God, and cultivating the fruit of the spirit. Choose faith—choose...

Charles Stanley - Wisdom In The Midst Of Trials

Charles Stanley

Wisdom can help us discern the source of our hardships and the purpose of them. It also guides us in how to respond to our troubles. Learn to let the wisdom of God direct your actions and experience the peace that comes with living according to the...

Beth Moore - In The Same Boat, Part 4

Beth Moore

Unpack with fresh perspective the story of Christ walking on the water. Can we trust Him in the storm?...

Beth Moore - In The Same Boat, Part 3

Beth Moore

Sin is a robber that steals the abundance that Jesus has for you. Do you need to get out of the ditch? Then watch for more....

Charles Stanley - Our Faith On Trial

Charles Stanley

“Take your son, your only son whom you love—Isaac—and […] sacrifice him” (Genesis 22:2 NIV). So began the hardest trial of Abraham’s life. Imagine you were in his shoes: could you trust God and obey Him? In this message, Dr. Stanley assures us that...

David Jeremiah - Job: Overcoming the Overwhelming

David Jeremiah

The troubles of the world have a way of seeping into our life. When that happens and we feel overwhelmed, we can turn to the Bible for stories that help us overcome. In this message, preached live from Norfolk, VA, Dr. David Jeremiah considers the...

Joyce Meyer - Let Your Test Become Your Testimony - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Don't keep God's goodness to yourself! Today, Joyce encourages you to turn your everyday tests into meaningful testimonies you can share....

Joyce Meyer - Let Your Test Become Your Testimony - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

Do you feel like you're going through a tough test? Be encouraged as Joyce shares how God can turn your test into a testimony!...

Derek Prince - Are You Ready To Get Your Faith Tested?

Derek Prince

Every test a Christian goes through is ultimately a test of faith. Counter intuitive, we should not be surprised when we encounter all sorts of trials. According to James in his letter, we should 'Count it all joy when we fall into various...