Charles Stanley - The Truth About the Trinity

Charles Stanley

The profound principles in the Bible are sometimes very difficult to understand-and that is most certainly true of the doctrine of the Trinity. Although the Trinity is a mystery to us in many ways, God wants to teach us about Himself-about His...

Amir Tsarfati - The Counterfeit Trinity

Amir Tsarfati

Satan is the master deceiver! So masterful, that in the Tribulation he will attempt to counterfeit the Trinity of God. In this teaching, Pastor Mike Golay exposes the key spiritual deceptions leading up to the Rapture, unpacks how Satan will provide...

Jonathan Bernis - What Does it Mean that God is One?

Jonathan Bernis

“God is one.” It’s the foundation of Judaism, taken directly from Deuteronomy 6:4. Join Jonathan Bernis and Ezra Benjamin as they discuss how the “triunity” of God does not contradict this fundamental Scripture. You’ll discover the full meaning of...

Benny Hinn - The Mystery of the Trinity

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: The Mystery of the Trinity...