TD Jakes - Finding Strength in Troubles

TD Jakes

Whatever your trial, circumcision equips you to move ahead through the pain. By doing so, you clear obstacles in your spiritual path to lead a life filled with purpose and joy! What are you willing to let go of to elevate yourself?...

Jeff Schreve - The Truth About The Troubles and Tragedies of Life

Jeff Schreve

No one is immune to troubles in this life. Job was an amazing man of God, who, from a human perspective, didn't deserve to suffer. Yet he suffered greatly. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? In this message, Pastor Jeff...

Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about From Trouble to Double. We all face difficulties and things that are not fair. God doesn't stop all the difficulties, he won't keep you from all the trouble, but he said in Zechariah 9:12, "If...

#616 - Joseph Prince - Feeling Troubled? Start Praying In The Spirit! - Part 3

Joseph Prince

The moment you are born again, the moment you believe on Christ as your Savior and Lord, that he died for your sins on the cross, you have the Holy Spirit. Never doubt that. Never doubt that. But now, it's like wanting to drink a glass of...

#616 - Joseph Prince - Feeling Troubled? Start Praying In The Spirit! - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Remember this: Praying in the Spirit is praying in tongues, but praying tongues is something that was never given to the Old Testament saints when they were under the law. It's something that was never given to them. No one prayed in tongues....

#616 - Joseph Prince - Feeling Troubled? Start Praying In The Spirit! - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You know how much Christ loves us? We extend usually the first beneficiary of that love, that when you feel loved, you love. Those who love best are those who are loved best, amen? Focus on Christ, amen, behold his glory. And beholding his glory...

#616 - Joseph Prince - Feeling Troubled? Start Praying In The Spirit! - Highlights

Joseph Prince

The Ephesians 6 spiritual armor that a believer ought to have, it tells you in the first place you have the loins girded with truth. Then you have the breastplate of righteousness, amen? You have, your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of...

#531 - Joseph Prince - Where Is God In The Midst of Your Trouble? - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Yahweh came and lived among us and died as our Savior and rose from the dead to be our High Priest and the shepherd. Psalms 23 is today where he is right now. "The Lord is my shepherd. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me". Jesus is...

#531 - Joseph Prince - Where Is God In The Midst of Your Trouble? - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Faith will show God, demonstrate to God on your part that you will give him the praise and the glory because you're believing God for favor, and when it happens you know who to give glory to. But if you're walking, you know, just natural...

#531 - Joseph Prince - Where Is God In The Midst of Your Trouble? - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Those of you who are good-looking and all that or you are pretty and all that, chances are sometimes you depend on that to help open doors instead of depending on favor. Even though Esther was beautiful, so were other women also. The way to stand...

#531 - Joseph Prince - Where Is God In The Midst of Your Trouble? - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Even when things don't seem to be working in your favor, God is working behind the scenes....

#531 - Joseph Prince - Where Is God In The Midst Of Your Trouble? - Highlights

Joseph Prince

God appeared in the burning bush to Moses, and Moses says, "God, what should I say? You're sending me to the people of Israel, but they'll ask me what is your name? 'Who is he that sends you?'" God says, "I AM THAT...