The Lord loves you, and the Lord saves. The God who flung the stars is the same God who binds a broken heart, and he loves you. This God sent his Son. Amen? The cross did not make God love us for God so loved the world that he gave his Son. Long...
Come to Jesus, experience his goodness, and the goodness of God will lead you to repentance. Amen. I believe in repentance. "Oh, Pastor Prince believe in repentance", but I believe in true repentance produced by a revelation of who God is....
The Lord saves us from ourselves. We are our biggest problem many a times. And the Lord saves you from yourself. But every day, you need to know the Lord saves. That's the name of Jesus, Yahoshua, Yeshua, the Lord saves....
There’s a paragraph in the first chapter where Paul reveals that he and some fellow believers had experienced some earlier afflictions that were nearly unbearable. But then he goes on to say that all those troubles only caused them to rely on God...
God says, "You know what? In your valley of trouble, I will open to you a door of hope". "Pastor Prince, you don't understand, Pastor. The doctors have given me some alarming news". That you're in a valley? You're...
There is the gate. Say, "The gate". And there is a door inside. So what is the difference? The door is grace, the gate is the law. So Jesus will always tell people who are proud: "Go ahead. Go ahead, enter by the gate. Go ahead,...
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. "Oh, Pastor Prince, you're making it easy". No, no, don't compliment me. It's not me, it's Jesus. But don't you forget we ain't just called from a sincere...
Now listen, God says believe all the way. Believe grace all the way. Believe the good news all the way. Believe you are saved forever all the way. Believe you are forgiven completely, past, present, and future, hallelujah. Believe you are righteous...
The law condemns the best of us. Grace saves the worst of us. Amen. 1 Corinthians 15 is true. The strength of sin is the law. If that is true, the opposite is true: the strength of holiness is grace. God can't wait to bless you. God can't...