Touré Roberts - Stability in Unstable Times

Touré Roberts

Message : Stability in Unstable Times Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I believe that God wants you to have today the gift of stability—not just stability, but stability in unstable times. This is a very fragile time in our world right...

Steven Furtick - God Goes Before You In Uncertain Situations

Steven Furtick

God will always give you the strength you need to take the next step. This is an excerpt from "God's Up To Something Upstream!"...

Jack Hibbs - Faith In These Uncertain Times

Jack Hibbs

The recent events unfolding around us have caused the faith of many to be rocked. Some may ask if God has abandoned us or even begin to doubt their own salvation. Pastor Jack discusses true saving faith, works and knowing where you stand with God....

TD Jakes - Uncertainty Is Its Own Affliction

TD Jakes

Watch Bishop TD Jakes Sermon titled: Uncertainty Is Its Own Affliction. This is an excerpt from: Preaching In Pieces...

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Now listen, God says believe all the way. Believe grace all the way. Believe the good news all the way. Believe you are saved forever all the way. Believe you are forgiven completely, past, present, and future, hallelujah. Believe you are righteous...

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Part 2

Joseph Prince

God is your Father; God is not God far away. God is your Father, amen? You're not a sinner anymore. You are righteous in God's eyes....

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Part 1

Joseph Prince

The law condemns the best of us. Grace saves the worst of us. Amen. 1 Corinthians 15 is true. The strength of sin is the law. If that is true, the opposite is true: the strength of holiness is grace. God can't wait to bless you. God can't...

#284 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Security And Stability In Times Of Shaking - Highlights

Joseph Prince

If all my blessing depends on his grace, not my goodness, guess what? I am blessed, man. If my healing depends on his grace and not my goodness, guess what? I'm healed. So, God wants to bring us to a place where everything depends on him and we...

Rick Warren - A Faith For Facing an Uncertain Future

Rick Warren

If there’s any single truth that this pandemic has reminded us of, it’s this: None of us know the future. And when you don’t know your future, it can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren continues our study...

Rick Warren - A Faith That Walks Through the Valley of Virus

Rick Warren

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis is unprecedented in our lifetime. With fear and panic being spread everywhere we look, it can be difficult to have hope. In this special message, Pastor Rick Warren offers 10 things you can remember, rely on, and do...

Steven Furtick - It Had To Happen

Steven Furtick

When a crisis occurs, often our first reaction is to question God and ask why it had to happen. But what if there’s a better way to respond? Discover how learning the right response to a situation is often more important than learning the reasons...

TD Jakes - Leaning into Uncertainty

TD Jakes

Bishop TD Jakes teaches on topic Leaning into Uncertainty...