Toure Roberts - How to move FWD and WIN

Touré Roberts

Message : How to move FWD and WIN Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Hey family, it’s PT, and one of the things that I love to do— in fact, what I live for— is to touch people, hear their stories, and connect with them. I use whatever tools...

Touré Roberts - The Mentality of Victory

Touré Roberts

Message : The Mentality of Victory Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to wrestle as we move forward in this theme of consistency with the idea of the mentality of victory. If you’re taking notes, write this thought down to kick this...

#699 - Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death - Part 3

Joseph Prince

What a joy to know that at any time you are called back home. Heaven is your home. All your sins are forgiven. As sure as Jesus died on the cross, your sins are forgiven. And, friend, the resurrection of Lazarus is not like the resurrection of...

#699 - Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Under the law, women, in a sense, is subjugated. They're not even recognized. But under grace, a new order has come. The first preacher, actually, was a woman. Jesus told Mary, "Go..." Not Mary his mother. There are a few Marys in the...

#699 - Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, My Victory Over Death - Part 1

Joseph Prince

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son". Didn't give the best angel, amen. Didn't give just another human being. He gave his own Son "that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting...

Charles Stanley - Where the Battle Is Won

Charles Stanley

No matter which area of life tests your faith, be encouraged. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is with you and can help you overcome whatever struggles life may bring. Dr. Stanley teaches that victory is won by supplication and trust in God....

Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack

Charles Stanley

Have you ever found yourself facing a strong alluring temptation? What did you do? Did you walk away or did you debate with yourself and finally succumb to Satan's temptation? Dr. Stanley explains how to endure a satanic attack....

Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

You gotta understand now. The key is, what are we gonna do about this software, our soul, our mind, our will, and our emotions that have gotten so used to the dictates of the old nature? If we don't do nothing with this, even though we are now...

Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

And the only capacity for the devil to get a hold of you is through your soul because it has a bit of advantage because when your old nature was there, it created the software in your soul and the impulses of your soul minister to your body to carry...

Steven Furtick - You've Got What It Takes to Win

Steven Furtick

In “You've Got What It Takes To Win,” we're reminded that God has already given us the victory....

Steven Furtick - List Your Victories

Steven Furtick

Stop, pause, and feel grateful for it. In “List Your Victories,” Pastor Steven Furtick teaches us how to reflect back on the victories God has given us to help fuel our faith for what's to come....

Tim Dilena - The Missing Piece to Victory

Tim Dilena

In Pastor Tim's sermon "The Missing Piece to Victory," he explains the significance of repentance as the vital element for experiencing true freedom and victory in Christ....