Craig Groeschel - Letting Go of Loneliness

Craig Groeschel

No matter your age or relationship status, we all need friends who encourage us and point us toward Jesus. Do you have friends like that? If not, how do you find them? And how can you become that friend for someone else? Let’s learn how to find...

Craig Groeschel - The Miracle You Need Most

Craig Groeschel

Jesus didn’t come for the righteous, He came for sinners—for people in need. He performed miracles and transformed lives. How can we share the hope of Jesus with everyone we meet? Let’s find out in this message....

Craig Groeschel - 3 Mindsets for a Better Year

Craig Groeschel

We've seen God do more than we could ask, think, or imagine through you—the people of Life.Church. And we believe He has even more good things in store for each of us. In this message, we’re learning three church mindsets for a better year in...