David Jeremiah - The Priority of a Disciplined Mind

David Jeremiah

While “all scripture is profitable,” one verse tells how to make progress in spiritual maturity and live out God’s perfect will. Romans 12:2 reveals that our lives are transformed as our mind is renewed by the Spirit of God using the Word of God to...

David Jeremiah - The Priority of a Diligent Mind

David Jeremiah

There are some Christians who never travel very far into the kingdom of God. They remain on the outskirts, choosing not to pursue the riches God has promised them in Christ. In short, they lack diligence. And over time, the lack of diligence becomes...

David Jeremiah - The Priority of a Devoted Mind

David Jeremiah

Becoming a Christian can be compared to moving to a foreign country where everything – culture, language, education – is different. We begin a lifelong process of replacing the prior thoughts and patterns of life with those of our new home – a...

David Jeremiah - The Priority of a Dedicated Mind

David Jeremiah

Jesus Christ's mind led Him on a path of humility and servanthood, not a path of pride and self-promotion. If we have the mind of Christ, then our values, perspectives, and priorities will be the same as His. Our path in life may be different,...

David Jeremiah - You Are Not What You Think You Are, but What You Think... You Are!

David Jeremiah

A beloved idea for Christians is that we be become a new creation in Christ. We cherish the idea of a new heart, soul, and spirit. But less emphasis is placed on the mind as part of that new creation. The Christian is responsible for filling his...