TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 2

TD Jakes

Second part of the message: Worship in the Wilderness, based on Exodus 14:9–14 (NKJV). Bishop T.D. Jakes, July 16, 2023...

TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 1

TD Jakes

After Moses freed them from the Pharaoh's wicked wrath, the Israelites cried out from a place of fear and regret. They questioned if it would have been better to stay enslaved rather than face the uncertainties of the desert! But Moses remained...

TD Jakes - Surviving in the Wilderness

TD Jakes

What does your wilderness look like? Is it the loss of a loved one? Being overlooked at your job? Or feeling the pain of rejection? Whatever your situation, you must relearn the first truth of being a believer: You are never alone! You have angels...

Carter Conlon - Finding Grace In The Wilderness

Carter Conlon

In "Finding Grace In The Wilderness", our general overseer, Pastor Carter Conlon, speaks on how God's grace can cover even the hardest situations....

Carter Conlon - You Will Soon Come Out of the Wilderness

Carter Conlon

Pastor Carter Conlon preach today on: You Will Soon Come Out of the Wilderness...

Carter Conlon - Wilderness Shakers

Carter Conlon

Pastor Carter Conlon preach today on: Wilderness Shakers...

TD Jakes - Angels in Your Wilderness

TD Jakes

What does your wilderness look like? Is it the loss of a loved one? Being overlooked at your job? Or feeling the pain of rejection? Whatever your situation, you must relearn the first truth of being a believer: You are never alone! You have angels...

Bill Winston - Pressing Through Dry Times

Bill Winston

Ever feel like Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, whose prayers for Israel seemed to be of no avail? Or David, when he felt that God had abandoned him? All of us experience times when that connection between heaven and earth is woefully silent! Fret...

Bill Johnson - How to Feed Your Spirit in Desert Seasons

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson shares a powerful message on how to feed your spirit on God’s Word in dry, desert seasons. Whatever you are facing, God has set you up for victory and has given you His Word to sustain you through every season. Whether you are hearing...

Carter Conlon - A Temporary, God-Appointed Wilderness

Carter Conlon

There are some things that God Himself has to work in us through a personal experience. In the wilderness God refines our character. We learn to depend on God’s strength, and a deep trust is being produced to stand still and stay quiet, because we...

Max Lucado - Jacob Vs. The Wilderness

Max Lucado

Max Lucado preach sermon "Jacob Vs. The Wilderness" from series Faith With A Limp....