Charles Stanley - How to Listen to the Word of God

Charles Stanley

Why is it that some people come to church and walk away uplifted while others leave unchanged? They hear the same message, yet they walk away with different attitudes. Dr. Stanley teaches that in order to appreciate and understand the true Word of...

Kenneth Copeland - Keep Your Eyes on God's WORD for Healing

Kenneth Copeland

See yourself healed! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to keep your eyes on God’s WORD for healing. Learn to never allow His Truth to depart from you, so you can receive your healing!...

Kenneth Copeland - Declare God's Healing WORD

Kenneth Copeland

Every day is YOUR receiving day! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to declare God’s healing WORD. Confess your sins and pray for forgiveness so you can receive your healing by faith!...

Kenneth Copeland - The WORD of God Brings Prosperity

Kenneth Copeland

The WORD of God brings prosperity! Watch Believer's Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you test the soil of your heart. It’s The WORD that bears the fruit. Learn to sow the seed of God’s WORD in rich, faith-filled soil, and you’ll reap...

Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's WORD by Faith

Kenneth Copeland

Have faith in God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland warns against allowing your words to condemn you. Learn to only speak God’s miracle-working WORD by faith to receive THE BLESSING!...

Kenneth Copeland - Insight Into God's WORD

Kenneth Copeland

It will be done according to your faith! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how faith brings God’s promises to you. Gain insight into God’s WORD, and stand on its miracle-working power to receive your healing now!...

Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is His Will

Kenneth Copeland

Follow God’s will by faith! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer's Voice of Victory as he teaches you that God’s WORD is His will. Kick-start your faith today by learning His powerful blood-backed covenants, and you’ll never say, “if it be Your...

Jerry Savelle - God's Word Will Transform You

Jerry Savelle

It's been said that you tend to become what you focus on the most. In this program Jerry Savelle shows the importance of focusing on God's Word and how it can change your life....

Joyce Meyer - Get in the Word

Joyce Meyer

Great things happen when we study and apply God's Word to our lives. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, be encouraged to study and pursue God's Truth in a deeper way....

Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free

Kenneth Copeland

What place does God's WORD have in your life? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer's Voice of Victory as he helps you evaluate this question. Discover how giving God's WORD first place makes you free and fills you with faith overflowing!...

Kenneth Copeland - Continue In God's WORD

Kenneth Copeland

How well do you know the Bible? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland urges you to continue in God’s WORD. See how you can develop true, intimate knowledge of His WORD, so your year can truly be as good as it can be!...

Kenneth Copeland - Let The WORD Fight Its Own Fight

Kenneth Copeland

2023 will be as good as it can be! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland encourages you to let The WORD fight its own fight this year. Discover how God’s WORD is Truth and how it is an essential part of your armor. Learn how to gird...