Joel Osteen - Let Go Of The Past

Joel Osteen

Everyone has a past. We've been hurt, offended, disappointed, things happen we don't understand. But we can't move forward if we're always looking backwards. If we'll let it go we'll step into the new things God has in...

Joel Osteen - Find Strength Through Adversity

Joel Osteen

No matter how successful we are, we all face challenges in life. We encounter struggles and times where things don't go our way, but God has a plan. With Him, we can find strength in adversity, allowing struggles to strengthen us instead of...

Joel Osteen - Live To Give

Joel Osteen

Many people right now are praying for a miracle. They're saying, "God, please send me a friend, God, I need help with these kids, God, I need a good break". You can become the miracle they need. I'm Joel Osteen. I have good news....

Joel Osteen - Enlarge Your Vision

Joel Osteen

Have you ever found yourself asking, "is this all there is, was my life intended for more"? God created you with a specific purpose in mind, but in order to see your life the way God sees you, you have to enlarge your vision. I'm Joel...

Joel Osteen - Develop A Healthy Self-Image

Joel Osteen

How's your self-image? The way you see yourself and how you feel about yourself will have a tremendous impact on your destiny. The truth is: you'll never rise above the image you have of yourself in your own mind. I'm Joel Osteen, I...

Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy

Joel Osteen

Happiness is not going to fall on us, it's a decision that we have to make. If you don't put your foot down, and decide to be happy right now, there will always be something to keep you from being happy....