TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 2

TD Jakes

Second part of the message: Worship in the Wilderness, based on Exodus 14:9–14 (NKJV). Bishop T.D. Jakes, July 16, 2023...

TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 1

TD Jakes

After Moses freed them from the Pharaoh's wicked wrath, the Israelites cried out from a place of fear and regret. They questioned if it would have been better to stay enslaved rather than face the uncertainties of the desert! But Moses remained...

TD Jakes - Working Through Hard Places

TD Jakes

Has anything in your life turned out exactly like you expected? Your relationships? Your career? Being a parent? The reality almost always looks different than our perception. When we pray to God for things, what we ask for will likely come with...

TD Jakes - Wanted

TD Jakes

If you find yourself looking for someone or something to satisfy you, remember that God wants you. You might be convinced you’ve gotten too far off course, but there’s no distance you can go where He won’t wait for you. He’s not looking for you to...

TD Jakes - Walk Me Through It

TD Jakes

In Acts 12, we learn that Herod wanted to use Peter's execution to score political points, but God walked Peter through it — right past the guards and out of the prison. You may blame your troubles on the devil, on someone else, or on your own...

TD Jakes - This Famine Won't Last

TD Jakes

The enemy wants you to think the famine you're stuck in will last forever. That's a lie! Not only will the famine end, but God has already prepared an abundance for you. When Ruth and Naomi were traveling to Bethlehem during a great...

TD Jakes - Trust Your Wings

TD Jakes

If a bird is perched on a branch that breaks, it trusts its wings to fly. Sometimes, the things you count on to hold you up — your family, friends, mentors, job — might fail you. That's when you trust that God will always be there to lift you....

TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 2

TD Jakes

Before the world, before light, before any creation at all … there was just God. When He spoke all things into existence, the Word was with God and was God. On His perfect timing, that Word became flesh to deliver the world from sin. Jesus came as...

TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 1

TD Jakes

The book of Hebrews starts with a single, bold word: GOD. He represents more than we can even comprehend. He is everywhere! And His omnipresence extends beyond location. He is eternal. Are you 9? Are you 90? Are you 990? It doesn't matter to...

TD Jakes - The Theology of Quietness

TD Jakes

The enemy will try to pull you into battles meant to hollow out your power, purpose, and prowess. These are just distractions that can be won through silence and stillness. Before Jesus was brought to the cross and accused by the chief priests, He...

TD Jakes - The Radical Rabbi

TD Jakes

Jesus didn't come to meet people's expectations or to fit in. Even those who were waiting for Him were shocked at the Christ they witnessed. He came to fulfill prophecy, and that promise transcends all nations, cultures, traditions, races,...

TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer

TD Jakes

Elisha's story in 2 Kings 6:11-17 teaches us a powerful lesson: You are never alone. When his servant was afraid of the enemy armies, Elisha prayed and the servant could then see God's army of fiery chariots protecting them. This act shows...

Bishop TD Jakes Sermons