...In order to get an understanding, you gotta do more thinkin' than you do talkin'. We are too fast to speak in our families. We speak things in a moment that it takes 20 years for somebody to get over. You can say somethin' when you're in a position of authority that can damage somebody for 20 years. Your mouth can be more damaging than anything that you ever did in your life to speak against things that you understand later. And sometimes, "I'm sorry," is not a good eraser. I'mma say that again. Sometimes, "I'm sorry," is not a good eraser. You said, "I'm sorry," once. You cussed me out five times. You said, "I'm sorry," in three minutes, "if I said anything". You know you said somethin' that offended me up in here...
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#228 Joseph Prince - Speak God's Language Of Faith (FULL)
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#651 - Joseph Prince - Speak Life Not Death - Highlights
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Attractiveness of God's Grace - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Out of Order
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#651 - Joseph Prince - Speak Life Not Death - Part 2
22-05-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Robert Morris - The Truth About Words
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak What You Want to Come to Pass
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Creflo Dollar - The Stance of a Christian vs. The State of a Christian - Part 1