TD Jakes - Calling

...Touch somebody and say, "He called me". Ain't no way God could call somebody like me to do something like this. "Was he sleeping when I was living? Was he looking the other way when I was acting a fool? What in the world is he doing calling me with the holy calling? He coulda called me with a high calling. He's going to call me with some", all right, let me quit telling all my business. You ain't telling none of your stuff. I'm telling all of mine. I'm just saying I was confused, what in the world was he all up in my face for and yet with courts of love, he drew me. I tried to get away, but I couldn't. I said I wasn't going to be committed, but I couldn't stop myself...
TD Jakes - Coming into Your Calling
TD Jakes - Coming into Your Calling
9-11-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Zion Is Calling Me
TD Jakes - Zion Is Calling Me
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TD Jakes - Rightfully Mine
TD Jakes - Rightfully Mine
19-10-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - God Knows When
TD Jakes - God Knows When
2-10-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Check You to Bless You
TD Jakes - Check You to Bless You
6-11-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Strange Tears
TD Jakes - Strange Tears
5-08-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - A Mind Thing
TD Jakes - A Mind Thing
15-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - A Billionare Anointing
TD Jakes - A Billionare Anointing
10-10-2020, 17:11, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Are You All In?
TD Jakes - Are You All In?
21-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Commitment
TD Jakes - Commitment
10-11-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Ye Know not What Ye Ask
TD Jakes - Ye Know not What Ye Ask
20-06-2021, 20:00, TD Jakes
TD Jakes - Knowing In The Noise
TD Jakes - Knowing In The Noise
8-10-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes