TD Jakes - Thinking Outside the Box

“The mind is the battleground.” Learn how to win this fight in the T.D. Jakes sermon, “Thinking Outside the Box.”

When the Bible says “be anxious for nothing,” it means worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, worrying about the “coulds,” the “mights,” and the “should-haves” of life. These thoughts steal our peace, dampen our joy, and hamper our growth. We can, as T.D. Jakes says, “think [ourselves] into defeat.”

In this sermon, T.D. Jakes shows us how to look at life right. Our future is not predicated on other people’s opinions or judgments. Our future shouldn’t be tangled up with our past. We shouldn’t live like our life is over. This, however, is easier said than done.

T.D. Jakes shares from the New Testament example of a chronically-ill woman, who was crippled for 18 years, yet never surrendered her faith. When she came to Jesus for healing, He noticed her and called her forward. The woman moved toward Jesus despite her disability, and as He laid His hands on her, she was healed!

Bishop Jakes speaks about the importance of the “ingrafted Word,” which is able to heal and save. He talks about it becoming a part of you, rooted in your spirit so that it transforms your mind.

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a prison of anxiety, fear, or doubt? Are you hungry for peace? Learn how to think yourself outside of the box your thoughts have placed you in. Break free and move forward with God!
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