I want to share a little bit with you tonight, and I want to talk from the theme, «Doing What You’ve Got to Do to Get There.» Now, I’ll be honest with you, it plays on words because in our culture and society, doing what you’ve got to do really speaks to breaking the rules. Look, I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do, right? Have you ever heard somebody say that? They have a goal in mind, and if you could imagine a scene where there are a couple of people, and one is getting ready to do something that he or she shouldn’t do, while another person says, «No, don’t do that. Just take your time, do it right.» But the first person insists, «I just have to do what I’ve got to do to get there.»
My perspective is a little different. First of all, let’s define «getting there,» because we live in a culture where everybody’s trying to get something. It’s interesting because no one can really define it, but they’re after it every single day. When I speak of «getting there,» I mean getting to the place of purpose—the place that God knew concerning you before you were born. God’s plan for your life is not some mediocre nothingness. I guarantee you cannot walk in purpose and be discouraged and unfulfilled simultaneously. Every life began, as I talk about in my book, «Purpose Awakening.» Every life began as a brilliant thought in the mind of God. That’s why He says in His word, Jeremiah 29:11, «For I know the plans that I have for you; they are plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.» When God thinks about you and what He has in store for your life, it is not mediocre or miserable. These are plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
So, when we talk about «getting there,» it means being in alignment with the epic plan that God has for your life. Do you understand what I mean by being in alignment? I want to be in position. I want to be with God, yes sir! Because life with God is exciting, amazing, and powerful. There’s a passage that says, «With God, all things are possible.» It does not say, «Because of God, all things are possible»; it says, «With God.» So when we partner with God and walk with Him, wow, things happen. I just got happy, and they happen consistently.
Now, I’m not trying to tell you that you won’t have tribulation or trouble or difficulty. What I am saying is that when you face those, you overcome them, yes sir, yes sir! There is not a difficulty I have faced that has not, in some sort of way, worked out for my good and become a stepping stone to the next level and the next dimension of my life. If I have to go through some stuff, I better make certain that I’m aligned with God so that I know that if I’m going to go through some stuff, it is not a setback but a setup for a step up. Are you hearing me? If you’ve got to go through, you might as well go through with God, yes sir! Because there are guarantees, guarantees! With God, all things are possible.
There was a guy in scripture by the name of Enoch. We don’t know a whole lot about Enoch. Study it when you get a chance; just do a word search for «Enoch» (E-N-O-C-H). All we know about this man is that he walked with God. Somehow, there’s a connection—you’ll find this in Genesis—between Enoch walking with God and him not dying. It says that he walked with God so wonderfully and so succinctly that he did not see death—he just was not. I mean, he didn’t die; he just was not. So what was happening? Here’s what I believe: he was walking with God so in alignment and so succinctly that he just walked completely into the spirit. You may not be ready for that; you may not be ready for that! So much so that he didn’t even have to die; he spent so much time with God and mastered walking with Him. Oh, I feel something on that right there!
I have mastered humility, obedience, sacrifice, and faith so much that I’m walking with God powerfully, which means my life is powerful. I’m basically going to walk myself out of my humanity. Oh, I wish somebody would catch what I just said because all of my limitations and weaknesses are in my humanity, and that’s why God puts you in challenging situations—because He is trying to deal with your humanity. It’s not your divinity that gives you trouble in life; it’s your humanity, the part of you that is not like God. He walked out of his humanity. Can you imagine how much better his life was?
Touré Roberts - Breaking The Barrier of Small Thinking