I want to talk to you today from this theme: stay hot, stay hot, stay hot. Let’s go to Revelation chapter 3, verse 15: stay hot, stay hot, stay hot. You were created to be hot. I know your works. Not only do I know you, but I know even more about you based on what you do or don’t do. I know you. There is an interesting dialogue in James that discusses faith and works, and one of the arguments in that chapter is that I will be able to tell your faith by your works. What you do, and to a certain extent the degree to which you do it, tells me a lot about where you are. I know your works; I know you. Nobody knows you like I know you, says God. I know your works, and what I’m seeing is that you are neither cold nor hot. You’re not cold, you’re not hot, and this is a problem for me. He said, «I would prefer that you were cold or hot.» Then He goes on to say, «So then, because you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, I will vomit you out of my mouth.» Now, that seems harsh; it seems hard. If you don’t understand the mind of God or the love of God, you will sense some rejection in it. It is not rejection; it is God telling you and me that we need to be hot. The idea is that if you were cold, all I would have to do is speak a word to you and you would become hot. My word is designed to ignite a fire inside you, and your destiny necessitates a hot you. What happens is that God speaks to us and gives us a word, and for some of you, this is your testimony: you come to service, the Spirit of God moves, you get a word from God, you’re charged up, you’re hot, you’re on fire! You hear it and say, «Man, when I get out of here, I will slay lions, tigers, and bears!» I mean, you are hot! The word hits you, ignites you, and you are ready. Then you get to Sunset Boulevard, and you have cooled down; you haven’t slain any lions or tigers or bears. As a matter of fact, you are just a kitty cat. God has destined you to live life hot, so I begin to think about why sometimes we are lukewarm, and again, I can tell by the way you pursue what God has spoken to you whether you are hot or lukewarm. I recently faced a similar situation. I called a good friend of mine the other day, and we talked. My friend is just prophetic; she doesn’t even mean to be prophetic; she is accidentally prophetic. You know, she just talks, and all of a sudden, the Spirit of God will move, and the next thing you know, she is all up in your business. This is how she is. So, I called her on the phone, we were talking, encouraging her, and then she stumbled into prophecy. She goes into this prophetic moment and starts speaking to me. My heart started burning; I didn’t even know I was lukewarm concerning certain things until she rehearsed what God had spoken to me. When she rehearsed them, they weren’t anything new; they were things God had spoken to me over the years about my future, my calling, my destiny, and who I was meant to be in the earth. She wasn’t telling me anything new, but when she spoke the word afresh, it let me know that I was lukewarm because it took me a minute to catch fire again. I began to wonder if destiny requires being hot, and the only way I can realize what God has purposed and planned for me is that I have to be hot. I can’t be cold; I can’t be lukewarm; I have to be hot and on fire. Then I began to wonder what keeps us from being hot. I’m going to tell you right now: for some in this room, the only thing keeping you from manifesting what you’ve seen is that you are lukewarm and not hot. I promise you, if you get hot again, everything is going to change because the word is still there. See, the word heats you up. Let me show you something real quick. Let me show you two things. Let’s go to Luke chapter 24, I think, yeah, Luke 24:32. The backdrop is this: I just want to show you how the word makes you hot. This is after Jesus is raised from the dead. Jesus comes now and begins to walk with His disciples; they don’t even know it’s Jesus at all. They don’t know He has been raised; they’re not expecting Him to be raised. Then this stranger, quote unquote, comes to them, walks with them, and talks to them. After He leaves, they say, «Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road?»
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Rick Renner - How To Stay In A Place Of Faith - Part 4
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#479 - Joseph Prince - Stay On Grace Ground And Experience True Life - Highlights