I received this word in my spirit about breakthrough, and I’m trying to see where it fits into all that God is doing tonight. If you are here and you need a breakthrough—I know I called for it earlier—but if you are here and you truly need a breakthrough, I want to speak to you in particular. You need a breakthrough; you need a breakthrough. If that’s you, please come meet me down here right now. Let me describe it: you are at the end of your rope, and you need God to move; you are out of strength. You don’t have any more strength for it; you don’t have any more ideas, and you don’t have any more options. The truth is that for some of you, you don’t even know what you need. You aren’t even sure that what you think will bring you relief is what you truly need. You simply require relief from needing relief. I wish I could express that better. There’s a significant question mark regarding what the outcome should be because a part of you thinks God probably wants this, but you would surely feel better if that happened. The confusion is not the issue; the real issue is that you are so caught up in the situation. The toll the situation is taking on you is the concern, and you just need to be freed from this issue. You need control back—breakthrough. You need breakthrough when you feel stuck—when you feel stuck. I can’t go any further; I’m going to describe this. I feel like I need to be over there, and I can see myself over there, but for some reason, I’m stuck here. The real me—everything about me—says that’s where I should be. I see it clearly; I’ve got wisdom for it, I see it clearly, but I cannot get myself over there to that me. You know what I’m talking about; I’m stuck. I need something. I’m in a tight spot; I need to break through. I’m standing in one realm and need to get to the next, but I’ve been trying to pray about it, I’ve been talking to people about it, and I’ve been seeking counseling about it, but I can’t break through. I can’t get through; I can’t break through one realm, I can’t break through one dimension, I can’t break through one environment. My tools don’t work, my tricks don’t work; what I rely on isn’t working—it’s not working. I’m empty; I’ve got to get all the way over there, but I don’t have any more strength. I’m drowning. Can I speak to some real people in here tonight? I’m drowning. Yet there’s something in me that knows there’s more. There’s something in me that knows this is not how it’s supposed to be. There’s something in me that knows I need to find the right combination; something’s got to give. When you’re in that place, that’s when you start searching. You start talking to people and begin to open up. God says, «I’m going to bring you breakthrough, but I will show you how it happens.» We are going to look quickly right here at a passage of Scripture in Psalm 34, beginning at verse 17. This is very important: it says the righteous cry out. Now, it’s easy to just overlook that, but you cannot overlook it. There is a difference between talking to God and crying out. There is a difference between praying to God and crying out. That word «cry» is a Hebrew word that literally means «to shriek.» It makes sense for a child—a small child—to shriek before an adult. To shriek is to unleash everything inside of you; it’s when you’ve lost all sense of what an appropriate sound should be. I feel God. You are not even concerned; when was the last time you shrieked? You weren’t concerned about how you sounded; you didn’t care about the pitch. To shriek is to say, «God, I don’t care who’s listening; I don’t care what it sounds like to me. I’ve held a lot of pride; I thought I had things under control, but right now I’m becoming like a desperate infant. I’m going to cry out to you.» There is something profound about when God’s children cry out to Him; He is a very compassionate Father. When you cry in this way, you are, in essence, telling God, «I quit.» Not, «I give up on living, ” or „I give up on this life, ” but „I quit trying to do it myself. I’m done; I’m becoming like a desperate infant.“ The truth is that one of the biggest misconceptions humans have is that they are not desperate. Right now, all of us are desperate; the problem is we just don’t know it. We are desperate for the air we are breathing right now. We are desperate for protection from dangers seen and unseen. We are desperate; we are fragile beings, and with one misstep, and you’re gone. It doesn’t even require any contact—just boom, an eruption in your mind, and you can be gone. We are desperate, and it is the mercy of God that, even though we often times…
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