So today I want to talk about the power of the present moment. When I say «the present moment,» I am referring to two aspects: the present moment, also known as now, and the moment in which you are truly present. You can be in a present moment and yet be absent from it, not experiencing the power of that moment. Therefore, when I refer to the present moment, I’m not just speaking about time; I’m speaking about the power of a moment where you and I are fully accounted for.
However, some of us are not fully present even right now. One of the most frustrating aspects in Scripture is that whenever Jesus appeared, there was power available to heal, provide, deliver, and set free. But not everyone could experience that power. The reason not everyone could experience it, even though it was available, is that they were not fully present.
So today, we are going to discover paradigms, perspectives, and tools that will enable us not to miss what every moment has to offer. Holy Spirit moments are not empty; they are full of potential. The only things that God gives us in life are moments. Watch this: God does not give you the future. You might be thinking, «Wait, Pastor, one of my favorite passages in Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11, which says, 'For I know the thoughts I have for you; I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.'» Yes, that is all true, but God gives you your future packaged in the present because when your future arrives, you’re not going to call it your future; you’re going to call it now.
So what God gives you is now. He does not give you the future; He gives you now, and we have to seize it. We must fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit now because my future is anchored in my present. Are you tracking with me? I need to bring all of myself into the present moment. I have a lot of ground to cover, and ultimately, I want us to learn how to bring our entire selves into the present moment to receive what it has to offer because every moment holds the opportunity for you to be edified.
Edification is a biblical term that references architecture; it signifies being built up. For example, in 1 Corinthians 14, it discusses how prophecy comes to you. One key aspect of prophecy is that when it reaches you, it serves to edify you, and it also comes for exhortation and comfort. I encourage you to study this on your own. The most important aspect, in my belief, is that God’s Word comes to you for edification. That is an architectural term that speaks to you being constructed.
Here’s what I mean: «Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.» This implies that God envisioned something before creating you. He didn’t create you randomly and think, «Let’s see what he or she becomes.» No, He predestined what you would become, and that is what motivated Him to create you. God has a plan; He is the potter, and we are the clay. He has an idea in mind of who we are and what we are to become, but He also knows He must mold us in this process of becoming.
The way He helps us become is through moments of edification. He brings us something that adds another layer of structure to what He has created. If I am not fully present in that moment, I cannot be edified. It is crucial to understand that edification does not always manifest outwardly; often, it leads to maturation.
What we struggle with is that we don’t always see what we believe we should see on the outside, and we assume nothing is happening. But how many of us know that the greatest thing God can ever do for you is not what happens externally; it is what happens internally? Your inside will ultimately determine your outside.
Let’s dig into this a little deeper. The average person rarely brings all of themselves into the present moment. Even the best of us often fail to be fully present. Instead of being present, the majority of our moments become distracted moments. I’m going to teach today; we’re going on a journey. The truth is, too many of our moments are filled with distractions, and we do not just struggle to bring our whole selves into the present moment, but…
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Andrew Wommack - The Present-Day Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Episode 16
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