This message is not for when everything is going right. I have a bunch of messages for you when everything’s going wrong. This is for when all hell literally breaks out in your life, and you don’t know what to do. It’s hitting you like a ton of bricks, and you’re confused; you don’t know what’s going on. I want you to have this so that you can keep it in your back pocket, ready to bust out your ninja skills, your spiritual powers—come on, somebody! Your spiritual cup, you understand? I learned judo when I was growing up. My parents taught me judo when I was a kid. You know, my parents were Black Panthers. Yeah, you didn’t know that! My parents were Black Panthers, and they taught all the kids in the Black Panther Party judo. So, I learned judo. I will flip you; you ain’t seen nobody get flipped the way I flip! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Later in life, it was somewhat wrong because they weren’t teaching judo in the hood. I’d be in the hood, and the bullies would be trying to get me—whatever, bring it on! What manner of fighting style is this? It didn’t look all pretty; it didn’t look all sexy, but I’d have you right on the ground. I’m sorry, I digress, but we’re talking about being spiritual ninjas, right? Even in the natural, as a father, all of my kids learn Krav Maga—like all of them! Well, Krav Maga, you don’t play. If you’re not familiar with Krav Maga, it’s an Israeli defense system—it’s powerful, it’s taught internationally, and it’s a powerful thing. But anyway, what I’m getting at is that some people are skilled in the natural when it comes to fighting and overcoming to protect themselves, and I want you to be skilled in the spiritual. You don’t always have to pull it out, but just in case you find yourself in a situation of warfare, or you’re concerned about someone you love in a spiritual battle, you will know what to do and what to say. That’s why this message is so important. If you’re tracking with me, just put it in the chat or say, «I’m tracking with you!» So, ignorance is not bliss in any area of your life. In business, the ignorant person is the least prosperous, especially here in L.A., especially in Hollywood. The less you know, the less money you’re going to have. That’s just the way it works. There is an ignorance tax in business. There is an ignorance tax in Hollywood, in any industry; there’s an ignorance tax. So, we’re going to know. We’re not going to be taxed! I feel the Holy Ghost; we’re not going to be taxed because of what we don’t know. If you don’t understand spiritual warfare, and if you don’t understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places, you will pay a tax. The person on the other side of that warfare, which we’re going to talk about right now, is a thief; he comes to rob, kill, and destroy. This means that if you don’t perceive what’s functioning on the other side, then you’ll be paying a tax because you didn’t know it was happening. It’s called the ignorance tax, and we’re not going to pay that tax anymore, in Jesus' name! Are you tracking with me? Let’s talk about this: the greatest spiritual battle, the greatest invisible battle—watch this—will always be in the mind. Let’s just start there. If we look at Second Corinthians, I teach on it; I talk about it all the time. It talks about how the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Study it when you get a chance. It says the weapons of our warfare, which lets us know that there is a warfare, and that we have weapons. There are ways to navigate this warfare, right? Weapons are tools to deal with the warfare. Paul, the great teacher, is teaching us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they’re mighty through God. They’re not natural, but they’re mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Now you have to study that; I’m not here to teach that. We have a lot of ground to cover, but I’ll tell you off the bat that the word strongholds doesn’t necessarily refer to a demonic presence in your life; it speaks to an attack on your mind. Later on, it talks about casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. So, the invisible battle, the heat of that battle, is always going to be a battle that plays out in our mind, right? It’s true. If you think about it, a negative thought is a battle. In fact, most of the time, the height of the battle—the most intense part of any spiritual warfare battle that any of us will face—will take place in our mind. It’s true. Whether you call it negative energy or negative thoughts or whatever, that’s a battle. Let me tell you something: where do those thoughts come from, these limiting beliefs? I’m talking about the…
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