Genesis chapter 15. We’ll look at the first 11 verses and then we’re going to skip over to verses 17 through 21. This is a scene from the life of Abraham, and I’ll tell you right now, the biography of Abraham is, in my estimation, one of the most important biographies in relation to learning how to journey with God. Right there in those chapters, Abraham is discussed from Genesis 12 to Genesis 24, and it talks about his life. If you observe how he and God moved, functioned, and flowed together, you’ll learn what you need to know for your journey. He is referred to as the father of faith. In this particular passage, Abraham is engaged by God. In fact, all of Scripture can be summarized in really four main ideas: a God, a flow, access to that flow, and the reliability of that flow. All of Scripture is about God, a flow, how we access that flow, and the reliability of that flow.
So here he is, wrestling like we all wrestle. He has a promise in Genesis 12, where he is called to leave his father’s house and go to a land that God will show him. How many of us know you can’t get a breakthrough in the familiar? God calls him out of the familiar and says, «I’m going to do extraordinary things with your life—world-changing, world-shaking things—but these are going to be things that you’ve never seen before. These will be things that your father didn’t see, that your community didn’t see, and that your country didn’t see.» In order for you to realize this and not contaminate it with your history or familiarity, I’m going to need you to move. That’s what He says in Genesis 12: «Get out of your father’s house and out of your country, away from your family, to a land that I will show you.» Then He says, «I’m going to bless you; I’m going to make your name great, and you will be a blessing.» I feel that that’s what God wants for you—He wants to bless you and make your name great, maybe not in the way you envision it. Because sometimes we desire that two million follower anointing! Come on, somebody! You may think, «You said you’re going to make my name great and give me two, three, four, or even seventeen million followers.» But what God describes and defines as greatness is entirely different from what man and culture define as greatness.
Sometimes I look up and think to myself, and I love everybody, but some aren’t saying or doing much and they still have a massive following. Now, it’s possible you may have bought some of those followers, which is common, and that engagement may be low—you might have 100 people engaging with you despite having two million followers! But that’s not why we’re here. The point I’m trying to make is that greatness in God’s eyes is different; it is when you have the power to change a life. Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit! It’s when your breath makes someone else’s life better—that’s greatness! I sense the Lord in this. So, God tells Abraham, «I’m going to bless you, and I’m going to make your name great.»
What I hear God saying is, «I’m going to make your name great in a dimension that transcends time and space. I’ll make your name and identity great so that when you show up, all of creation, everything in the universe, has to bend around you because I have marked you divinely.» I feel that for somebody! I wish I could express it the way I see it. What I’m getting ready to do in your life is not just to make your name great in certain crowds, but in the spirit. Because your name is great in the spirit, you’re going to command things to happen, and God’s going to honor your credentials. I feel God moving to make things happen. When God is for you, watch this: you can pray for rain in a drought, and the rain will come! Are you hearing me? I’m speaking to deep hearts right now. That’s what I mean by making your name great—you can traverse nations and achieve success. You can go through gates, not because you have two million followers, but because Heaven has anointed you, affirmed you, and ordained you. Suddenly, you’ve got a doorway into science and technology. Don’t play with me; I feel this! When your name is great, God will reveal His covenant to you. One of my passages states that the secrets of the Lord are with those who honor, revere, and fear God, and He will show you His covenant. When your name is great, God will whisper secrets, and if you learn to act on those secrets…
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#204 Joseph Prince - The Blessings Of Abraham Are Yours Today
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#481 - Joseph Prince - Amazing Things Happen When You Flow With The Spirit - Highlights
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#026 Joseph Prince - Enjoy Abraham's Blessings In Your Life