"Lord, I'm never going to do that again. I'm never going to do that again. I promise you I'm never going to do that again". Only, of course, I would. And almost always it will be triggered by insecurity. Somebody would make me feel bad about myself, somebody would make me feel ashamed of myself, and boom, I was back in it again because this was the pattern. See, here's the thing: the devil knows what works again and again. That's why we need a God of again and again.
What you want in your heart of hearts, in your natural flesh, in your carnal self, is to ultimately destroy yourself. This is the God that goes, "Well, I mean, like, what you hate me for is that I'm committed to your flourishing".
Beth Moore - Your Faith Map - Part 4
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Beth Moore - This Jesus - Part 2
16-05-2023, 16:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Taking Happy Back - Part 5
22-04-2021, 22:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - This Jesus - Part 5
19-05-2023, 16:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - The Promise - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Feast the Soul - Part 4
29-11-2022, 08:30, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - The Story of Jesus - Part 1
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Beth Moore - The Promise - Part 1
31-05-2022, 10:30, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Compelling - Part 3
24-09-2022, 16:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Your Faith Map - Part 1
25-05-2022, 10:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - The God of Again - Part 5
6-07-2023, 16:00, Beth Moore
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Taking Happy Back - Part 2
22-04-2021, 19:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Between Two Advents - Part 1
28-04-2021, 00:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Recalibrate - Part 2
22-10-2020, 00:17, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Recalibrate - Part 3
22-10-2020, 00:17, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - The Art of Growing Up - Part 1
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Beth Moore - The Shield of Faith - Part 1
19-05-2022, 10:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - This Jesus - Part 4
18-05-2023, 16:00, Beth Moore
Bill Winston - Jesus Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil