You cannot murder the eternal plan of salvation. It is impossible; that when he said, "It is finished," and he committed his Spirit to the Father, and he breathed his last breath, he could not have stayed dead, no matter what. When it came time for him to get up out of that tomb, let me tell you something, that stone had the weight of a fleck of dust, because nothing was going to hold him in, absolutely nothing.
Worship is essentially focus. What we attend to, what we set our hearts on. It could be food, it could be entertainment, could be all sorts of things. But what the Psalmist would say, whether it's something we've built with our hands or something already built that we set our attention on, that whatever we idolize, we start becoming like it. We don't even have to set out to do it, we just do it. What we shape and put our minds on, that's what we will become like and I believe this is true in the way we fashion Jesus.
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Beth Moore - Your Faith Map - Part 1
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Beth Moore - The Fight for Peace - Part 2
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Beth Moore - The Story of Jesus - Part 2
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