When we talk about the veil thinning that sometimes there are environments where we're so filled with the Spirit, and so, it's such an environment of worship and it's such a holy place that we feel like that veil is thin. And we mean between heaven and earth, and I love that thought. But I need you to go further with me than that. I need you to understand, it's not just thin; it's wide open.
Carter Conlon - The Parting of the Third Veil
1-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Beth Moore - Life Wide Open - Part 3
22-04-2021, 12:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Life Wide Open - Part 2
22-04-2021, 11:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Life Wide Open - Part 1
22-04-2021, 10:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Holding On - Part 3
30-09-2023, 08:00, Beth Moore
#217 Joseph Prince - See Jesus' Beauty When The Veil Is Lifted (FULL)