I truly do not believe that a lot of people understand the fundamentals and the first things of our faith. We're takin' second, third, fourth things, making them first things, and it's like whoa, whoa, where did Jesus go? How did we disconnect from the Head? We would say we were doing all of that in Jesus's name. No, but Jesus himself, what is our doctrine?
Whatever it is he has taken hold of you to do and you to do, it is beyond what you can do. I need to know if anybody is tracking with me. It's beyond what you can do because it requires the Holy Spirit to do it. See, he's set it up where in order for you to serve God you have to have God. That's the only way you can do it. I mean, you could pretend. I mean, you could do the actions, but you will not have the feeling of the Spirit that energizes instead of depletes.