He is contingent upon nothing. He needs nothing to exist. He needs nothing to do his job. He is complete in every way. Here's the thing, it does not change him one iota whether or not we believe him or believe he is who he says he is, not one iota. It does nothing to take away from him. However, it changes us completely.
Beth Moore - Lift Up Your Eyes - Part 2
21-10-2020, 22:15, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Lift Up Your Eyes - Part 4
21-10-2020, 22:15, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Lift Up Your Eyes - Part 5
21-10-2020, 22:15, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Lift Up Your Eyes - Part 1
21-10-2020, 22:15, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - This Jesus - Part 4
18-05-2023, 16:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - These Words of Mine - Part 4
18-03-2023, 16:40, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Immanuel: The With-Us God - Part 1
31-12-2021, 00:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Vision Testing - Part 1
16-06-2022, 05:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - The Art of Growing Up - Part 1
28-11-2022, 07:00, Beth Moore
Beth Moore - Christ's Crucifixion through Mary's Eyes