God is saying, "Come to me and I will give you any abundance that you need and every good thing that you will ever desire. You don't need to cheat on income tax. You don't need to steal nothing from that job. You come to me and I'll take care of you. Now, if you do that, the blessing will continue to function and take you to the top of your community, the top of your city and the top of the world"!
Hello, I'm BILL and welcome to another program. The program that you're watching is called The Believer's Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well, we have another exciting teaching today. It's called Rising To The Top. God wants you to go to the top. Remember what He said in Deuteronomy 28, "You will be the head and not the tail. The lender, not the borrower. Above only, and not beneath". In this teaching, here's a couple points you might want to think about. One is that the more confidence you have in the blessing, the more effectively the blessing operates in your life. In other words, the more confidence I have in the word of God, the better the word of God operates in my life, producing what I need in my life.
Well, the same thing about the blessing. The more confidence that you have in that power of that blessing, the more effectively it operates and can do things for you. That blessing will turn anyplace on earth into a garden of Eden. It'll turn your marriage into a garden of Eden. It really will. That's the power of that blessing. Now, number two. The blessing guarantees a lifetime of prosperity, even generational prosperity. People, we've been put in this earth to do a certain thing to accomplish a certain purpose and to fulfill whatever destiny God has for us. The blessing guarantees you to get to that destiny. Isn't that powerful? Get your Bible's and pencils and papers ready Let's go into this good teaching. It's called Rising To The Top. Let's go into it.
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 4
15-06-2021, 12:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 2
15-06-2021, 10:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Fulfilling Your Dominion Mandate - Part 1
15-06-2021, 07:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 3
15-06-2021, 11:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Faith and Corresponding Action - Part 2
6-01-2021, 03:06, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Winning the World - Part 1
27-03-2021, 18:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Faith and Corresponding Action - Part 1
6-01-2021, 03:06, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Day of His Power - Part 2
20-02-2021, 18:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Winning the World - Part 2
27-03-2021, 19:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Reality of Redemption - Part 2
11-02-2021, 18:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
2-02-2021, 22:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Revelation of Royalty
9-02-2021, 22:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - The Power of Love - Part 2
10-08-2021, 20:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Developing Strong Faith - Part 1
26-10-2021, 19:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World - Part 4
21-04-2021, 21:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - The Blessing is Received By Faith
16-02-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Fulfilling Your Dominion Mandate - Part 2
15-06-2021, 08:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Christ in You - Part 1
6-10-2021, 16:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 1
2-06-2021, 07:00, Bill Winston
Bill Winston - It's Time to Have Faith in The Blessing