We will all fight the battle of familiarity. It’s part of our sin nature to become bored with what we are doing. We can become familiar with the presence of God, ministry and relationships. Today we are reminded that when God touched us He gave us a specific purpose on the earth. It is by the grace of God alone that we will settle it in our heart to finish the race that God has set before us.
#092 Joseph Prince - Familiarity Vs Intimacy With God
29-10-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
Carter Conlon - The God-Touched Life
15-02-2023, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Battle that Rages for Your Mind
17-09-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Secret War Of Every Saint
5-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Keep the Lamps Burning
26-08-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Max Lucado - The Battle We Fight
3-05-2022, 04:00, Max Lucado
Bill Johnson - The Enemy Within
2-08-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Carter Conlon - And He Prayed Again
31-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Your Kingdom Come
7-12-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A Cry At The King's Gate
23-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - If Grace Finds A Willing Heart
14-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Anoint Our Eyes Again
27-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - What Is Written on Your Heart?
4-03-2023, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Finding Purpose In Your Storm
24-12-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Finding God's Will For My Life
20-03-2023, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Searching the House for a Bride
9-09-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Push Back the Darkness
2-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - God Will Move Heaven and Earth to Answer You
5-01-2023, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A Message To Fools And The Slow Of Heart
1-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Finding Grace In The Wilderness
21-03-2023, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A Last Day Return to Power
24-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
#535 - Joseph Prince - Stronger Through Every Trial And Battle - Part 2
26-01-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3