Carter Conlon - The Necessity Of Weakness

When we are facing a flood of godlessness trying to purport itself as good; when we are at a moment in history when we are being marginalized; when we are being vilified; when we are being pushed to the side-lines of society, Jesus Christ, because of His mercy, will make His church aware of our need of Him again. By mercy and grace, just like he did with Paul, God will allow this buffeting of His body to finally bring us to the place of saying, “God, we can’t do this without you!” To finally bring us to the place where we, in humility, go back to prayer again. Humankind typically despises weakness. We have a tendency throughout history to shun the simplicity of faith, and gravitate to something more visual, more hands-on, more self-satisfying. Do we live our whole life trying to get out of the very things that God has sent to make us strong?God says, I have to make you weak first, so you can be strong because your strength is not in yourself! Your strength is in Me; it’s in the power of My Spirit within your life. But it only comes when we are out of the way. It’s the ultimate irony in a sense, when we become weak, we become strong.
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Carter Conlon - The Miracle of Weakness
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Carter Conlon - Staying Strong When God Is Silent
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Carter Conlon - Facing a Moment of Bitter Division
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Carter Conlon - Get Ready To Laugh With God
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Carter Conlon - The Final Pleading of Conscience
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Carter Conlon - Helping Sorrow Return To A Lovely Place
Carter Conlon - Helping Sorrow Return To A Lovely Place
17-06-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - And I Sought For A Man
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Carter Conlon - Not So Fast, Goliath, Not So Fast
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19-06-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Honoring God In an Impossible Place
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10-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A Return To The Supernatural
Carter Conlon - A Return To The Supernatural
3-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A Grace That Could Only Be Called Amazing
Carter Conlon - A Grace That Could Only Be Called Amazing
30-06-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon