Carter Conlon - Can You Be Reasoned With?

God invites us to come and reason with Him so He can give us is heart for all humanity. We cannot bless God and curse people who God made in His image. The violence we let get a hold of our spirit will consume us. It is so important that we ask God to help us reason with Him until we agree with His ways. God wants to give us a clean speech so our prayers can be heard and we can cry out for those who are wrapped in grave clothes. We are called to be of a different spirit and to be a voice of forgiveness and love so we can push back the darkness. What do people think of Jesus because of you? Does your life carry the fragrance of Christ? It’s time to reason again and say, “Lord I choose life and love.”
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Carter Conlon - Push Back the Darkness
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Carter Conlon - May God Give Us Light
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Carter Conlon - Lord, My Heart Is Open. Help Me
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Carter Conlon - The Compromised Religion In A Corrupted Time
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Carter Conlon - A New Commandment
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Carter Conlon - Righteous Prayer In An Unrighteous Time
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Carter Conlon - A Picture Of Hope
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Carter Conlon - Facing a Moment of Bitter Division
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Carter Conlon - Finding Light in Darkness
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Bill Johnson - The Reason Christ Came
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Carter Conlon - Searching the House for a Bride
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9-09-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - In The Day When I Cried
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Carter Conlon - Does Your Jesus Shine in the Dark?
Carter Conlon - Does Your Jesus Shine in the Dark?
12-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Promise Of Light In The Time Of Darkness
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2-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Joel Osteen - Remove the Grave Clothes
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Carter Conlon - Sitting Where True Love Is
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Carter Conlon - The Last Day Image of Christ
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Carter Conlon - Promise of A Captive Nation
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#600 - Joseph Prince - Experience Abundance In Times Of Famine - Part 2
#600 - Joseph Prince - Experience Abundance In Times Of Famine - Part 2
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Carter Conlon - The Day That God Condemned The Law
Carter Conlon - The Day That God Condemned The Law
28-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon