When we first came to Christ we knew we desperately needed Him. It’s all Jesus in the beginning, then it’s Jesus and us, and then we say thank you, I can take it from here. Galatians 3:3 echoes this dilemma: are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit are you now being made perfect by the flesh. God’s heart is to give strength to those who would call out to Him in their need. If you feel you’re stuck in a place where you can’t move forward, don’t be too proud to cry out to the Lord. God in His mercy is waiting for you to humble yourself and cry out to Him.
Carter Conlon - The Power of A Reluctant Witness
30-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Day Jesus Cried
8-01-2025, 15:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Finding The Strength We Once Heard Of
13-08-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Does Your Jesus Shine in the Dark?
12-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Responsibility Of Little Strength
4-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Inviting The Devil To Dinner
15-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - You Are An Incredible Testimony Of Mercy
23-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Necessity Of Weakness
30-09-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Church of the Resurrected Christ
26-06-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Can You Be Reasoned With?
9-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - I Will Not Die, But Live
30-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Sudden Shaming Of Your Enemies
3-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A Message To Fools And The Slow Of Heart
1-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - A New Commandment
26-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - If Grace Finds A Willing Heart
14-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Lord, My Heart Is Open. Help Me
21-11-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Sitting Where True Love Is
15-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Incredible Fragrance Of Mercy
28-06-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Lord, Teach Us To Pray
12-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - Anoint Our Eyes Again
27-10-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon - The Promise Of Light In The Time Of Darkness