Charles Stanley - The Walk Of Faith

What can we learn from Abraham’s decades of walking with God? In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches us how to obey in faith like Abraham did, following God even when the path ahead was dark. Learn how to keep giving God your yes, one day at a time.

We have two options in the Christian life—to walk either by faith or by sight. Walking by sight means we must have all the facts and see how God’s plan for our lives will unfold before we step out in obedience. If the outcome is secure, we’ll proceed. But walking by faith requires that we trust the Lord and His will for us, even if it’s risky, unknown, or difficult. God wants us to depend on Him, trusting Him to direct our steps one at a time so we can reach the destination He’s planned for us.

Abraham (originally called Abram) was a man who walked by faith, and his story is recorded in 14 chapters of the Bible. He was chosen by the Lord to be the recipient of amazing promises and become the father of the Jewish race. This may seem like an unlikely choice because Abraham came from a pagan society and may have been an idol worshipper. However, we must realize that God’s choices are based on His great wisdom and may not always make sense from our perspective.
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Charles Stanley - Walking With God Through the Dark Times
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Charles Stanley - Walking Through Dark Times With God
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