Why is it that some people perceive the Christian life as an exciting journey and others see it as a burdensome, unfulfilling existence? Although there are many factors that contribute to how a person experiences their relationship with God, many times an inadequate view of Christ will prevent a person from enjoying the abundant life He offers.
Dr. Stanley explains what a privilege it is to have Christ as our mediator and advocate and how His role as our High Priest is meant to set us free so we can enjoy an intimate and fruitful relationship with God.
Jack Hibbs - Who Told You That Jesus Is The High Priest?
28-01-2023, 12:00, Jack Hibbs
Charles Stanley - Taking Advantage of the Privilege
10-01-2023, 14:00, Charles Stanley
#129 Joseph Prince - The Beauty of Christ in the High Priest's Ephod
21-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
Charles Stanley - A Saving Faith
22-10-2020, 00:00, Charles Stanley
#610 - Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Times Are Bad - Part 4
11-04-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - Our Great High Priest
29-07-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Charles Stanley - Intimacy with God
24-05-2022, 04:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Privilege Corrupted
16-01-2023, 16:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Together in the Christian Life
5-08-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Origin of Our Needs
29-05-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
#130 Joseph Prince - The High Priest's Linen Garments
22-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
Charles Stanley - God's Guide to a Fruitful Life
10-03-2023, 16:00, Charles Stanley
#128 Joseph Prince - As His Thoughts Are, So Are Yours
20-12-2020, 15:00, Joseph Prince
Charles Stanley - Right Relationships
30-09-2023, 05:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - I Am Saved. Now What?
28-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Our Intimacy with God
2-05-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Fulfillment of the Empty Life
2-04-2024, 20:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Levels of Faith in the Life of the Believer