I want to be adaptable, I want to be flexible, I want to be able to have the ability to yield to transformation so I can obtain the goal that you have for my life. God has a plan for us and that plan is a good thing, but sometimes our unwillingness to want to be flexible keeps us out of it. And so what happens now is now your emotions, you're not managing those because you don't understand that flexibility is a big part of managing those emotions.
Creflo Dollar - How To Be Flexible
3-04-2024, 09:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 1
20-07-2021, 19:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Dealing With Your Emotions
13-07-2021, 21:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Gaining Control Over Your Emotions - Part 2
26-07-2021, 01:26, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 5
26-07-2021, 01:26, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Mastering Your Emotions with Joy - Part 2
14-01-2021, 23:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Gaining Control Over Your Emotions - Part 1
26-07-2021, 01:26, Creflo Dollar
Rick Warren - How To Deal With How You Feel
31-10-2021, 06:00, Rick Warren
Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 4
20-07-2021, 20:30, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Mastering Your Emotions with Joy - Part 1
13-01-2021, 23:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 3
20-07-2021, 20:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 6
26-07-2021, 01:26, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 2
20-07-2021, 19:30, Creflo Dollar
Max Lucado - Forceful or Flexible
17-01-2021, 04:00, Max Lucado
Creflo Dollar - Mastering Your Emotions with Peace - Part 2
16-01-2021, 23:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Mastering Your Emotions with Peace - Part 1
15-01-2021, 23:00, Creflo Dollar
Jack Hibbs - Crushing Emotions
12-01-2025, 05:00, Jack Hibbs
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Negative Emotions With Thanksgiving
2-03-2025, 02:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 2
18-01-2023, 16:00, Creflo Dollar
Rick Warren - Manage Your Emotions
23-02-2025, 12:00, Rick Warren
Rick Warren - Emotions vs. Truth
23-02-2025, 13:00, Rick Warren
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Sinful Behavior - Part 2
3-03-2025, 00:00, Creflo Dollar
Joyce Meyer - Emotions - Part 1
15-09-2022, 04:00, Joyce Meyer
Steven Furtick - The Key To Controlling Your Emotions