You go to God and say, "Lord, I know you can't help me, because of what I did last week". He's not dealing with you based on what you did yesterday. He's dealing with you based on your belief in Jesus today. And you keep beating yourself up, and you keep denying yourself of great things and great character. You think freedom is your liberty to do something that's wrong. The freedom he's talking about is the freedom from the law.
Creflo Dollar - Freedom From Guilt And Regret - Part 2
27-10-2020, 13:42, Creflo Dollar
Jack Hibbs - Living In Liberty And Freedom
13-01-2025, 22:00, Jack Hibbs
Creflo Dollar - Freedom From Guilt And Regret - Part 1
27-10-2020, 13:42, Creflo Dollar
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 2
6-04-2021, 19:00, Joyce Meyer
Benny Hinn - Total Liberty Freedom from Bondage, Part 1
3-11-2021, 16:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Total Liberty Freedom from Bondage, Part 2
3-11-2021, 16:30, Benny Hinn
Joel Osteen - Freedom in the Fire
13-08-2022, 12:00, Joel Osteen
Creflo Dollar - The Purpose of Suffering - Part 4
17-06-2022, 09:00, Creflo Dollar
Jack Hibbs - Freedom
12-01-2025, 14:30, Jack Hibbs
Creflo Dollar - The Chastening of the Lord
22-09-2023, 04:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - How To Know If You Are Being Controlled By Fear - Part 1
24-05-2022, 00:00, Creflo Dollar
Steven Furtick - Freedom From Unhealthy Cravings
8-08-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Jack Hibbs - Liberty or Death
13-01-2025, 20:00, Jack Hibbs
Toure Roberts - Seeing In The Dark
Yesterday, 22:00, Touré Roberts
Creflo Dollar - The Unforgivable Sin, Part 1
8-06-2021, 09:00, Creflo Dollar
Jeff Schreve - From Bondage to Freedom
20-05-2022, 00:00, Jeff Schreve
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is Your Key to Freedom
19-12-2022, 00:00, Kenneth Copeland
Creflo Dollar - Maturing In Character
28-06-2021, 22:00, Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar - When Will I Be What God Says I Am? - Part 2