David Jeremiah - Socialism: A Cultural Prophecy

Are the public cries for shared wealth and government control a sign of the end times? Many of the troubles we're seeing today in our culture can be tied to the growing foothold of specific ideologies. How does politics play into prophecy?

There is coming a utopia better than anyone can ever imagine, better than we can imagine. Isaiah 9:6 and 7 describes a time when the government will be upon the shoulder of Jesus Christ. When Jesus returns, things will be different, amen?
David Jeremiah - Cancel Culture: A Political Prophecy
David Jeremiah - Cancel Culture: A Political Prophecy
3-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Globalism: An International Prophecy
David Jeremiah - Globalism: An International Prophecy
29-10-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Pandemic: A Biological Prophecy
David Jeremiah - Pandemic: A Biological Prophecy
30-10-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
Sid Roth - END TIME SIGN ALERT! Isaiah Prophecy Coming to Pass!
Sid Roth - END TIME SIGN ALERT! Isaiah Prophecy Coming to Pass!
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David Jeremiah - Is The Coronavirus In Bible Prophecy?
David Jeremiah - Is The Coronavirus In Bible Prophecy?
6-04-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Jerusalem: A Geographical Prophecy
David Jeremiah - Jerusalem: A Geographical Prophecy
5-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - End Times People: A Biographical Prophecy
David Jeremiah - End Times People: A Biographical Prophecy
2-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Barton - God and Government
David Barton - God and Government
18-06-2021, 03:00, David Barton
David Jeremiah - Where Do We Go From Here? (The Interview)
David Jeremiah - Where Do We Go From Here? (The Interview)
27-10-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The Falling Away: A Theological Prophecy
David Jeremiah - The Falling Away: A Theological Prophecy
1-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - What on Earth is the Millennium?
David Jeremiah - What on Earth is the Millennium?
17-08-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The Prophecy
David Jeremiah - The Prophecy
25-09-2022, 15:00, David Jeremiah
David Barton - Real Religion
David Barton - Real Religion
1-06-2021, 03:00, David Barton
David Jeremiah - Economic Chaos: A Financial Prophecy
David Jeremiah - Economic Chaos: A Financial Prophecy
31-10-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The Victor Who Returns
David Jeremiah - The Victor Who Returns
25-08-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Signs (A Prophecy Interview)
David Jeremiah - Signs (A Prophecy Interview)
28-08-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Spiritual Famine: A Spiritual Prophecy
David Jeremiah - Spiritual Famine: A Spiritual Prophecy
4-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Taking Your Troubles to Church
David Jeremiah - Taking Your Troubles to Church
24-06-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Where Do We Go From Here? - Encore Presentation
David Jeremiah - Where Do We Go From Here? - Encore Presentation
7-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
Sid Roth - The End-Time War Scroll Prophecy
Sid Roth - The End-Time War Scroll Prophecy
29-03-2022, 01:53, Sid Roth
David Jeremiah - The Triumph of the Gospel: The Final Prophecy
David Jeremiah - The Triumph of the Gospel: The Final Prophecy
6-11-2021, 04:00, David Jeremiah
Jack Hibbs - Bible Prophecy In Today's Headline News
Jack Hibbs - Bible Prophecy In Today's Headline News
11-01-2025, 21:00, Jack Hibbs
Robert Jeffress - Jesus, The Subject of Prophecy
Robert Jeffress - Jesus, The Subject of Prophecy
4-02-2025, 11:00, Robert Jeffress
David Jeremiah - In the World of the End, BE DETERMINED
David Jeremiah - In the World of the End, BE DETERMINED
11-11-2022, 06:00, David Jeremiah